
(Some more details you can find at the bottom of this page – scroll down slowly)

November 2023 – New addition to Our Retro Portfolio:
We expand our retro portfolio with the brand-new Atari 2600+ console, two brand-new Atari CX40+ Joysticks, the 4 in 1 Game Cartridge and Paddle Pack, and two brand-new game cartridges Berzerk Enhanced Edition and Mr Run and Jump.

June 2023 – New addition to Our Retro Portfolio:
We will be adding an Atari 500 Mini from Retro Games Ltd. to our portfolio.

August 2022 – New additions to Our Retro Portfolio:
We will be adding more than 30 Atari 2600 and more than 10 Atari 7800 game cartridges to our portfolio. As a result, we will probably need to acquire new repro boxes. Additionally, we will be acquiring another Atari 2600 Jr. console and some more joysticks, which we will refurbish properly and offer for sale in the near future. As we already have too many Atari 7800 and Atari 2600 consoles, we are slowly running out of storage space. Furthermore, we may end up with duplicate games from this order, so we will probably offer them with new repro boxes and, if needed, new labels!

April 2022 – Finally, a new addition to our retro portfolio:
Retro Games Ltd. has done it again, releasing the TheAmiga500Mini with TheGamepad and TheMouse for the A500, TheVIC20, TheC64Mini, TheC64Maxi, and more. We purchased two TheGamepads and two TheMouses for our retro portfolio.

March 2021 – New addition to our retro portfolio:
  To ensure that our growing collection of Atari 2600 game cartridges always has a console to play them on, we are adding a Hyperkin RetroN77 console to our portfolio.

December 2020 – New addition to our retro investment portfolio:
We have added original Atari 7800 game cartridges to our collection, including Choplifter!, Motor Psycho, Mario Bros., Impossible Mission, and Super Huey UH-IX.
We backed the project in May 2018 and now the product has finally arrived. Atari is back ! Fasten your seat belts ! The new Atari VCS is better than we ever dreamed!

November 2020 – New addition to our retro investment portfolio:
We have added more than 70 original Atari 2600 game cartridges to our collection, including E.T., Summer Games, Winter Games, Mario Bros., Donkey Kong, Pitfall!, Jr. Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, Skate Boardin’, Super Football (still boxed), Stargate, Dig Dug, and more!

October 2020 – Latest addition to our retro investment portfolio:

We have added the RetroGames Limited Edition THEVIC20. Don’t miss taking a look at our retro shop to see always neat retro items that are shopped via Amazon – click here to check

September 2020 – New addition to our retro investment portfolio:

We have acquired four brand-new Spectravideo QuickShot VII Deluxe Joycard Controllers, boxed and unopened!

August 2020 – New additions to our retro investment portfolio:
1 x Atari VCS7800 console
1 x Atari paddles controller
3 x Atari Multisystem Deluxe Joystick controller CX24 boxed
1 x Atari CX78 Joypad
3 x Brand-new Retro Remake Boxes Commodore AMIGA MODEL 500
1 x Atari Video Touch Pad Star Raiders
Lots of Original Atari 2600 games (we will provide a complete list soon)
1 x External Gotek Flash Floppy Drive for one of our Amiga 500 + Boot Selector

July 2020 – Preparing to start with another additional project for our growing retro investment portfolio:
1 x New Game Boxes for VCS 2600 game cartridges – Brand new high-quality plastic boxes in original size dimensions of 14 cm x 21 cm! They will be on sale soon!
June 2020 Pt. 2 – Sometimes it happens just like this: We are here now with a tremendously growing retro investment portfolio:
1 x Amiga 500 Dark Rule – completely refurbished and attached with a Gotek Floppy, 512kB memory expansion and dual kickstart 1.3 and 3.1
1 x Original, still Sealed Amiga 500 and Sealed – it has never been opened and we do not plan to open it
1 x Amiga 500 – preparing it to be refurbished, with a 2 MB memory expansion already attached.
1 x Atari VCS2600 jr console – AV modded
2 x Atari VCS2600 jr consoles
Lots of Original Game cartridges, Books and Hardware – Stay tuned!

June 2020 Pt. 1 – Oh my… We received the additional Amiga 500 and guess what? We cannot open it because it is still in its original state of manufacturing: unopened! The floppy disk drive works like a charm, and the case and keyboard look really good with minimal yellowing. We honestly don’t have the heart to break the seals, so we need to figure out what to do now. Besides that, we have ordered some more retro books since we found some real gems (stay tuned) and are also trying to get our hands on some old Atari VCS 2600 jr. consoles – yes, more than one!

May 2020 – After completing our Amiga 500 refurbishment project: Codename “Dark Rule”, we decided to do it again. We still have one A500 motherboard that seems to be malfunctioning, but we were fortunate to order another one which we expect to arrive in June. We received many emails asking if we are going to sell our refurbished Dark Rule. As always, this is a matter of price since we consider our refurbishing projects as retro investments. Therefore, we will probably collect many more before the price meets our expectations. With our refurbishing projects, we also invest in the retro community by placing our orders at existing shops and utilizing valuable members of the community who provide refurbishing services or even produce new hardware. These people need to be supported!

Apr 2020 Pt. 2 – We made it! Our Amiga 500 refurbishment project: Codename “Dark Rule” is nearly complete. Click here to view some images of our “Amiga 500 Dark Rule”. It took some additional investments to reach our goal. When we bought the Amiga 500 from a co-worker, it came without an internal floppy drive. We sent the case and keyboard to North’s Colorcase Project for a complete makeover with given color values. We ordered a brand new black power supply unit, but the mainboard seemed to have a problem. Luckily, we found a good replacement and purchased it. We also found an internal floppy drive that met our quality expectations and completely cleaned it. We ordered a Gotek Flash Floppy, including Boot Selector, Kickstart Selector, and a brand new Kickstart 3.1, allowing us to choose between KS 1.3 and 3.1. Additional orders included a SCART to HDMI adapter, DiagROM, floppy disks, cleaning floppy disk, brand new HDMI TV, and floppy table, to name a few. At first glance, these projects were more expensive than expected. We could have bought the hardware itself for a dime, but all the add-ons and hardware replacements cost a fortune. Check the timeline of the progress of all our ongoing old-school projects.

Apr 2020 Pt. 1 – The coronavirus pandemic is still having a global lockdown effect, but at least we received the Amiga 500 mainboard we bought via eBay. We just need to find a time slot within the next few days to visit our office in Cologne. We will keep you updated. We also ordered a 2 MB memory expansion via eBay from Vesalia.de which we will use on another Amiga 500 later. The DiagROM 1.2 has also arrived, so we might get a chance to find out what’s wrong with the original A500 mainboard.

We have finally received the re-colored Amiga case and keyboard, and we will be sharing images with you soon. However, we are currently unable to access our office due to the pandemic situation. Unfortunately, the mainboard of the Amiga seems to be defective, so we have ordered another one along with a DiagROM 1.2 to help diagnose the problem.

Feb 2020 – Shopping Spree: Internal 3.5″ Floppy Drive, Cleaning Utilities, Shipping of keyboard and case to Modder Specialist to paint and pimp both, Order of Gotek flash floppy drive incl. Boot Selector as well several small stuff (new cables, new labels, …)

Jan 2020 – Purchase of used Amiga 500 with Kickstart 1.3, a 512kB memory card, an original Amiga mouse and original power supply (missing internal Floppy Drive).

Dec 2019 – Purchase of THEC64 Maxi

May 2018 – Participation in the Indiegogo campaign for the Ataribox (name updated to Atari VCS). The Atari VCS 2600 console was the first computer console for some of us at the SiLLC Assembly!

Timeline Oldschool New Game Boxes Project “Retro Game Boxes VCS”
We prepare to launch the release of new high quality boxes for Atari VCS game cartridges – to be on sale soon.

Timeline Oldschool Refurbishment Project “Amiga 500 – Complete MakeOver” – Codename Dark Rule
We started our refurbishment project in January 2020 by purchasing a used Amiga 500, which we completely refurbished by adding hardware add-ons, modding the case, and pimping the keyboard. At first glance, these projects were more expensive than we expected. We could have basically obtained the hardware itself for a dime, but all the add-ons and hardware replacements cost us a fortune. Check out the progress timeline of all our ongoing old-school projects.

THEC64 MAXI – The C64 is back ! Timeline:
In December 2019, we managed to buy THEC64 Maxi at a local Media-Markt mall in Cologne, manufactured by Retro Games Ltd. Here’s what they say about it:

The C64 is back, this time full-sized with a working keyboard for the dedicated retro home-computer fan. Featuring three switchable modes – C64, VIC 20, and Games Carousel.

Connect to any modern TV via HDMI for crisp 720p HD visuals, at 60 Hz or 50 Hz. An updated joystick, now featuring micro switches, complements the hardware, making the included games even more fun than ever.

The Games Carousel has 64 pre-installed games including classics such as California Games, Paradroid and Boulder Dash, with new additions like Attack of the Mutant Camels, Hover Bovver, Iridis Alpha, and Gridrunner.

Topped off with the recently released shoot ’em up Galencia and text adventure Planet of Death to let you relive the glory days of true keyboard gaming! Plus, THEC64® allows you to load and save your own files and games via USB stick (including multi-disk titles) and program in C64 or VIC 20 BASIC.

It is a great product that comes very close to the original, and it is incredible. It totally builds up the retrospective atmosphere, and you can feel the eighties. And what you really won’t miss is the slow loading times for games, as THEC64 Maxi loads the programs very quickly. Loading times on THEC64 Maxi are between 4 and 10 seconds.

We bought this product to support this great idea and its amazing product result. It’s fantastic! Besides that, THEC64 Maxi can also simulate the VIC-20 (and this was for some of us our very first home computer!). So, amazing.


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The SiLLC Assembly