On track for record production in 2023 after first quarter

Mannheim, 11 April 2023. Deutsche Rohstoff AG provides an overview of the highlights of its operating performance in the first quarter of 2023:

  • Production in Q1 around 7% above expectations.
  • On track for 2023 to produce well above 10,000 BOEPD
  • Knight production in Q1 approximately 15% above reserve estimate
  • Utah production in Q1 was approximately 30% above reserve estimate, well ahead of plan
  • Oil and gas production from the Oxy JV exceeded the reserves report by approximately 25% in Q1
  • 37% of expected 2023 production and 75% of existing 2023 production is hedged at USD 75
  • Development of wells in Wyoming is on schedule

In the first quarter of the year, production was approximately 10,500 BOEPD, slightly above management’s expectations. With this production, the Group is on track for the expected annual production of well over 10,000 BOEPD. In the 2nd and 3rd quarter in particular, numerous well pads will start production and further increase production.

This positive development was driven by the Knight well pad in Colorado, drilling from the Oxy program and continued very strong production in Utah. All other well pads produced in line with expectations of the reserve estimate as of the end of 2022.

Deutsche Rohstoff has continued to increase its hedge book for 2023 and 2024 and is currently hedging 37% of the total annual 2023 production and 75% of the 2023 wells already producing at a price of USD 75 per barrel. Together with the hedges for 2024, approximately 950,000 barrels of oil are hedged at an average price of USD 74. The Company has thus further increased planning certainty, while at the same time having enough unhedged volumes to be able to profit significantly from a further price increase.

The wells in Wyoming are currently also developing very well. Cub Creek has already drilled the first 3 wells from the Lost Springs pad in Wyoming and expects to start production in the summer. Capital expenditures for the wells are approximately USD 29 million for CCE’s share.

As part of the drilling program with Oxy, 10 additional wells will begin production in Q2, with an additional 5 wells to be drilled in the fall of 2023. Salt Creek is investing approximately USD 58 million in these two well pads in 2023.

Activity also remains high on the “non-operated” acreage in Utah. In 2023, 45 wells are expected to commence production (1.1 net wells) at a rate of approximately 2.5% and capex of USD 9.8 million.

Overall, operational performance is very positive. Almost all major development projects are on schedule. With the start of production, they will further strengthen the operating base of Deutsche Rohstoff AG.

In the coming weeks, Deutsche Rohstoff AG will report further details on the operating development. The quarterly report for the first quarter of 2023 is expected to be published at the beginning of May, the annual report 2022 at the end of April.


Deutsche Rohstoff identifies, develops and sells attractive raw material deposits in North America, Australia and Europe. The focus is on the development of oil and gas deposits in the USA. Metals such as gold and tungsten round off the portfolio. Further information is available at www.rohstoff.de


Deutsche Rohstoff AG

Phone +49 621 490 817 0


All transaction are carrying out by SiLLC, a private portfolio management assembly. This document is not an offer of securities for sale or investment advisory services. This document contains general information only and is not intended to represent general or specific investment advice. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results and targets are not guaranteed. Certain statements and forecasted data are based on current expectations, current market and economic conditions, estimates, projections, opinions and beliefs of SiLLC and/or its members. Due to various risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from those reflected or contemplated in such forward-looking statements or in any of the case studies or forecasts. All references to SiLLC’s advisory activities relates to SiLLC Assembly International.

Deutsche Rohstoff AG: Further joint development with Occidental

Deutsche Rohstoff AG: Further joint development with Occidental

  • USD 75 million additional investments in 2023 and 2024
  • Positive impact on 2023 forecast
  • First-time forecast for 2024 assumes Group sales and EBITDA above EUR 100 million

Mannheim. Salt Creek Oil & Gas, a wholly owned subsidiary of Deutsche Rohstoff AG (FRA: DR0), has entered into another joint development agreement with Occidental (NYSE: OXY) in the Powder River Basin/Wyoming. The development is expected to drill 15 additional wells and commence production in 2023 (5 wells) and 2024 (10 wells). The investment volume for Salt Creek totals USD 75 million.

For 2024, the Executive Board expects group sales above EUR 120 million and EBITDA above EUR 100 million. The investments are expected to increase group revenue by approximately EUR 10 million in 2023. This forecast will be specified in the coming months. It is based on an oil price of USD 75, a gas price of USD 4 and a EUR/USD exchange rate of 1.12. Possible drilling programs that are not part of the existing forecast for 2023 are not yet included in this estimate.

For the definition of the term EBITDA, we refer to the homepage of Deutsche Rohstoff AG at www.rohstoff.de/apm/.

Information and Explanation of the Issuer to this announcement:

In February, Salt Creek had already announced a first joint venture with Occidental with an initial investment volume of USD 65 million. The total announced cooperation with Occidental thus amounts to USD 140 million investment in the development of 31 horizontal wells. The first six wells began production in September. A further ten wells will follow in the first half of 2023.

The expanded cooperation with Occidental ensures that the Company not only expects EBITDA of well over EUR 100 million in 2022 and 2023, but that the foundation has already been laid for EBITDA of over EUR 100 million in 2024. Growth potential from further possible development projects in the Group are not included in the forecast for 2023 and especially 2024.

Deutsche Rohstoff identifies, develops and sells attractive raw material deposits in North America, Australia and Europe. The focus is on the development of oil and gas deposits in the USA. Metals such as gold and tungsten round off the portfolio. Further information is available at www.rohstoff.de



Deutsche Rohstoff AG

Phone +49 621 490 817 0


All transaction are carrying out by SiLLC, a private portfolio management assembly. This document is not an offer of securities for sale or investment advisory services. This document contains general information only and is not intended to represent general or specific investment advice. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results and targets are not guaranteed. Certain statements and forecasted data are based on current expectations, current market and economic conditions, estimates, projections, opinions and beliefs of SiLLC and/or its members. Due to various risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from those reflected or contemplated in such forward-looking statements or in any of the case studies or forecasts. All references to SiLLC’s advisory activities relates to SiLLC Assembly International.

Third quarter 2022 financial report published

EUR 20 million net profit in Q3/EBITDA 2022 of EUR 128 to 133 million

Mannheim. Deutsche Rohstoff Group today published its Q3 2022 report, confirming the figures already announced. In the first 9 months of 2022, revenues of EUR 118.2 million (previous year: EUR 53.2 million), earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) of EUR 102.3 million (previous year: EUR 52.1 million) and consolidated net income of EUR 52.6 million (previous year: EUR 21.4 million) were achieved. The report is now available HERE.

The very good half-year result continues to have a positive impact on the Group’s balance sheet. In the 3rd quarter, the bank liabilities of EUR 24.5 million still existing as of 30 June 2022 were repaid in full. Equity increased again in the 3rd quarter and stands at EUR 135.0 million as of 30 September 2022. The equity ratio after 9 months was 38.9 percent (previous year: 32.2 percent).

The four U.S. companies produced an average of 9,339 BOE per day in the first three quarters (previous year: 7,135 BOEPD), for a total production of 2,549,508 BOE (previous year: 1,947,804 BOE). Oil accounted for 1,351,255 barrels (previous year: 865,197 barrels), with natural gas and condensates accounting for the remainder. All volumes are the Group’s net share.

A positive contribution to earnings of EUR 15.1 million in the first 9 months was also made by other operating income, which mainly resulted from the sale of securities and from currency gains.

The Company’s hedge book continues to expand. For Q4 2022, the Group’s hedge ratio for oil is 42% and for gas 55% of expected production, which has been hedged at around USD 68/barrel of oil and USD 3.8/MMBtu. For 2023, around 20% of oil production and 28% of gas production are currently hedged at ca. 75 USD/barrel oil and USD 3.9/MMBtu natural gas.


The Company had also increased its guidance for 2022 and 2023 on 14 October 2022. The following key figures are expected for 2022:

• Revenues of EUR 152 to 157 million (previously: EUR 140 to 150 million)

• EBITDA EUR 128 to 133 million (previously EUR 120 to 130 million)

This forecast is based on an oil price of USD 85/barrel, a EUR/USD exchange rate of 1.00 and a gas price of USD 6.00 in Q4 2022.

For 2023, revenues of EUR 140 to 160 million and an EBITDA of EUR 110 to 125 million are expected in the base scenario. In the increased price scenario revenues of EUR 155 to 175 million and an EBITDA of EUR 125 to 140 million are expected. For the year 2024, the Executive Board is already expecting sales above EUR 120 million and EBITDA above EUR 100 million.

The assumptions of this forecast are an exchange rate of 1.12 EUR/USD, a natural gas price of USD 4, and a WTI price of USD 75 in the base scenario and USD 85 in the increased price scenario.

The Management Board of Deutsche Rohstoff AG will hold a web call on Wednesday, 2 November at 2:00 p.m., on the 9-month-results. Interested investors can register for the call HERE. [Please note, that the web call will only be held in German.]

For a definition of the term EBITDA, please refer to the Deutsche Rohstoff AG homepage at https://rohstoff.de/en/apm/.

Mannheim, 31 October 2022


All transaction are carrying out by SiLLC, a private portfolio management assembly. This document is not an offer of securities for sale or investment advisory services. This document contains general information only and is not intended to represent general or specific investment advice. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results and targets are not guaranteed. Certain statements and forecasted data are based on current expectations, current market and economic conditions, estimates, projections, opinions and beliefs of SiLLC and/or its members. Due to various risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from those reflected or contemplated in such forward-looking statements or in any of the case studies or forecasts. All references to SiLLC’s advisory activities relates to SiLLC Assembly International.

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