Risk Management Measures in Place during Crypto Market Correction

[Sarasota, Florida, June 10, 2023] — In response to the recent market correction and regulatory announcements by the SEC, The SiLLC Assembly is taking proactive steps to mitigate risks associated with certain crypto positions.

As part of our comprehensive risk management strategy, we are closely monitoring the market conditions and adjusting our positions as needed. While this correction may bring short-term challenges, we remain confident in the long-term potential of the crypto market.

We believe that regulation is necessary for the broad adoption of cryptocurrencies, and we support efforts to bring clarity and stability to the market. This correction serves as a reminder of the importance of proper risk assessment and management in the crypto space.

The SiLLC Assembly remains committed to our investment principles and will continue to make strategic decisions based on thorough analysis and evaluation. We appreciate the support and trust of our valued investors during these volatile times.


About The SiLLC Assembly (TSA)
SiLLC is in the business of creating and managing a large and diverse network of companies in AR, blockchain, digital assets, eCommerce, internet, metaverse, Retrotech, technology, and VR worldwide. SiLLC continues to capitalize on the numerous opportunities presented by emerging new mediums. SiLLC focuses on constructing a network of companies in advertising/marketing, AR, blockchain, content and community, eCommerce, energy, metaverse, Retrotech, robotics, technology, VR, and enabling technologies. With deep and broad management expertise, a tightly targeted strategic focus, an unparalleled track record, and a unique and successful investment model that demands and drives growth, SiLLC can truly claim to be creating .net value.

For more information, please visit https://www.sillc.net .


Press, Investor Relations:



All transactions are carried out by SiLLC, a private portfolio management assembly. This document is not an offer of securities for sale or investment advisory services. This document contains general information only and is not intended to provide general or specific investment advice. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results and targets are not guaranteed. Certain statements and forecasted data are based on current expectations, current market and economic conditions, estimates, projections, opinions, and beliefs of SiLLC and/or its members. Due to various risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from those reflected or contemplated in such forward-looking statements or in any of the case studies or forecasts. All references to SiLLC’s advisory activities relate to The SiLLC Assembly International.

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