Neptune Digital Assets Embarks on Strategic Expansion with Polkadot and Solana, Eyeing Long-Term Growth in PoS Operations

[West Dayton, Middx, United Kingdom, November 3, 2023 — msch — The SiLLC Assembly / crocon media] In a strategic move that underscores the growing importance of proof of stake (PoS) mechanisms in the cryptocurrency landscape, Neptune Digital Assets Corp. has announced the addition of Polkadot (DOT) and Solana (SOL) to its already robust collection of tokens. This expansion is not merely an addition to its portfolio but a calculated step towards solidifying its position in the PoS domain.

Neptune’s foray into PoS operations has been marked by a consistent yield of nearly 20 percent from its long-term holding of Cosmos (ATOM), a testament to the company’s strategic prowess in the blockchain space. The yields are not sitting idle; they are either enhancing Neptune’s Bitcoin balance or further bolstering its PoS operations, demonstrating a savvy reinvestment strategy that could be a harbinger of sustainable growth.

At the heart of Neptune’s strategy is its Ethereum (ETH) validator, which plays a pivotal role in transaction processing and block addition to the Ethereum blockchain. This is not just a technical endeavor but a strategic one, positioning Neptune at the nexus of blockchain transactions, which could translate into significant revenue streams.

The company’s CEO, Cale Moodie, has expressed confidence in this direction, citing the long-term sustainability and revenue opportunities that come with managing nodes, validators, and other blockchain software. Neptune’s growing expertise in this area is a clear signal to investors about the company’s potential value.

Moreover, Neptune’s active investment in artificial intelligence tokens like Graph (GRT) and Ocean further diversifies its portfolio. With plans to integrate GRT into its PoS revenue stream once it reaches its full potential, Neptune is not just staking tokens; it’s strategically positioning itself for the future.

However, the path forward is not without its challenges. The regulatory landscape, particularly in the United States, has been fraught with uncertainty. SEC Chair Gary Gensler’s stance on treating PoS tokens as securities has sparked a debate that has yet to be settled, contrasting with the more accommodating stance of Canadian regulators.

Despite the regulatory headwinds, Neptune’s proactive approach and diversified investments in the PoS space suggest a bullish outlook for the company. As the regulatory climate evolves, Neptune’s strategic positioning could well make it a promising crypto play with the potential for an excellent return on investment.




All transactions are carried out by SiLLC, a private portfolio management assembly. This document is not an offer of securities for sale or investment advisory services. This document contains general information only and is not intended to provide general or specific investment advice. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results and targets are not guaranteed. Certain statements and forecasted data are based on current expectations, current market and economic conditions, estimates, projections, opinions, and beliefs of SiLLC and/or its members. Due to various risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from those reflected or contemplated in such forward-looking statements or in any of the case studies or forecasts. All references to SiLLC’s advisory activities relate to The SiLLC Assembly International.

The author(s) of this article may or may not hold a position in the mentioned stock. None of the companies discussed in the above article have paid for this content. The information provided in this article should not be considered financial advice, and readers should always do their own research before making investment decisions. However, as with any investment, there are potential risks and uncertainties to consider, such as potential regulatory changes, market volatility, and competition from other players in the industry. It is important for investors to carefully monitor this stock and its performance over time to make informed decisions about their investments. This site is for entertainment purposes only. The owner of this site is not an investment advisor, financial planner, nor legal or tax professional and articles here are of an opinion and general nature and should not be relied upon for individual circumstances.

This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Investing in stocks involves risk, and readers should conduct their own research and consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

Neptune Digital Assets: A Beacon of Profitability and Resilience in the Crypto Market

August 1, 2023 [crocon media – msch] – In the ever-evolving world of digital assets, Neptune Digital Assets Corp. (TSXV: NDA) (OTCQB: NPPTF) (FSE: 1NW) stands out as a beacon of profitability and resilience. The company recently announced a comprehensive net income of $2.5 million for the period ending May 31, 2023, a testament to its robust financial health and strategic operations.

Several aspects of Neptune’s performance are noteworthy. The company ended the quarter with $38.5 million in assets and zero debt, a strong indicator of financial stability. This is particularly impressive given the volatile nature of the crypto market.

Neptune’s revenue generation strategy is also commendable. The company earned total revenues and other income of $2.9 million through Bitcoin mining, staking, DeFi, and other income-generating activities during the nine-month period. This diversified approach to revenue generation is a smart move, reducing reliance on any single income stream and mitigating risk.

The company’s decision to retain all its Bitcoin in cold storage and not engage in active selling is a prudent one. This strategy allows Neptune to benefit from potential future appreciation of Bitcoin, while also providing a buffer against short-term market fluctuations.

However, the outcome of Neptune’s Chapter 11 claims with Genesis and Celsius is currently unknown, which introduces a degree of uncertainty. The company also holds a significant investment in SpaceX, valued at approximately $2.3 million USD, which, while potentially lucrative, is subject to the risks inherent in the space industry.

Looking ahead, Neptune’s CEO, Cale Moodie, expressed optimism about the company’s future. He stated that Neptune is positioning its monetary assets to gain additional exposure in the projected recovery over the coming years, while also taking measures to protect against substantial pullbacks or black swan type events.

In conclusion, Neptune Digital Assets presents a compelling case for investment. The company’s strong financial performance, strategic operations, and optimistic outlook position it well for future growth. As the crypto market continues to evolve, Neptune’s resilience and adaptability will likely continue to drive its success.

Check out the full details here:


All transaction are carrying out by SiLLC, a private portfolio management assembly. This document is not an offer of securities for sale or investment advisory services. This document contains general information only and is not intended to represent general or specific investment advice. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results and targets are not guaranteed. Certain statements and forecasted data are based on current expectations, current market and economic conditions, estimates, projections, opinions and beliefs of SiLLC and/or its members. Due to various risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from those reflected or contemplated in such forward-looking statements or in any of the case studies or forecasts. All references to SiLLC’s advisory activities relates to SiLLC Assembly International.

X4A Networks, a project of The SiLLC Assembly, expands its support for Bitcoin with multiple Full Nodes

[Sarasota, Florida, May 19, 2023] — X4A Networks, a project of The SiLLC Assembly, recognizes the importance of Bitcoin Full Nodes in maintaining the stability and security of the Bitcoin blockchain. As the number of transactions on the Bitcoin network continues to grow, the need for Full Nodes becomes increasingly critical.

Recently, the Bitcoin blockchain experienced a rare chainsplit, which caused FUD and ridicule in the crypto market. Critics blamed the congestion of the Bitcoin network, partly due to the explosion of BRC-20 tokens, for the mishap.

Bitcoin Full Nodes like are essential for the survival of the blockchain, and financial support through donations has become crucial for Full Node operators. They play a crucial role in validating transactions and upholding the consensus rules of the network, making sure everyone is on the same page and no one is trying any funny business.

X4A Networks is committed to supporting the Bitcoin network and has set up several Full Nodes to ensure its stability and security. It is time for the crypto community to recognize the importance of Full Nodes and support them financially. With more Full Nodes, the Bitcoin network becomes stronger and more decentralized, protecting it from any hackers or bad actors.

Join X4A Networks in supporting Bitcoin Full Nodes and ensuring the future of the Bitcoin blockchain. Visit to learn more and donate to keep the Bitcoin network safe and secure for all.

In a recent interview, Rubinho Gonzales, Technical Advisor for X4A Networks, stated that as the number of transactions on the Bitcoin network continues to grow rapidly, it is crucial to consider the future importance of having more Bitcoin Full Nodes in operation.

For those who are familiar with blockchain technology, it is known that every transaction is added to a block, and once the block is full, it is appended to the chain. With an exponential increase in transactions expected as more individuals join the world of cryptocurrency, there will be a need for more Full Nodes to maintain the efficiency of the network.

Furthermore, Bitcoin Full Nodes are not just for storing and validating transactions. They also play a vital role in upholding the consensus rules of the network, ensuring that all participants adhere to the same guidelines and preventing fraudulent activities. The more Full Nodes available, the stronger and more decentralized the blockchain becomes, safeguarding it from potential hackers or malicious actors.

Looking ahead, it is essential to support and encourage the growth of Bitcoin Full Nodes. As the cryptocurrency and blockchain sectors continue to expand, it is crucial to ensure that there are enough Full Nodes to maintain a smooth and stable network. This goal can be achieved with the combined efforts of the community.

The SiLLC Assembly is taking the initiative to establish a robust full node network around the world, and we are actively seeking supporters who share our vision. We believe that a strong and decentralized network of full nodes is critical to maintaining the stability and security of the blockchain.

As a leader in the blockchain industry, we are committed to ensuring that the Bitcoin network remains secure, reliable, and accessible to all. We are proactively searching for sponsors who are willing to support our mission by becoming full node sponsors. By donating to our cause, you can help us establish a giant full node network that will provide unparalleled support to the blockchain.

We invite you to join us in this critical mission to protect and strengthen the Bitcoin network. Your support will help us create a more secure and decentralized blockchain that will benefit everyone in the crypto community. If you would like to become a full node sponsor, please contact us at [insert contact information]. Together, we can build a better future for the blockchain.

For more information about X4A Networks and our support for the Bitcoin Network, please visit our website at

Technical Information:
X4A Networks Full Nodes are running the latest version of the Bitcoin Core software and are hosted on dedicated servers with high-speed internet connections. Each Full Node has been configured to support the network by verifying transactions, maintaining a copy of the blockchain, and broadcasting new transactions and blocks to the network. Our Full Nodes are regularly monitored and maintained to ensure optimal performance and security.

About The SiLLC Assembly (TSA)
SiLLC is in the business of creating and managing a large and diverse network of companies in AR, blockchain, digital assets, eCommerce, internet, metaverse, Retrotech, technology, and VR worldwide. SiLLC continues to capitalize on the numerous opportunities presented by emerging new mediums. SiLLC focuses on constructing a network of companies in advertising/marketing, AR, blockchain, content and community, eCommerce, energy, metaverse, Retrotech, robotics, technology, VR, and enabling technologies. With deep and broad management expertise, a tightly targeted strategic focus, an unparalleled track record, and a unique and successful investment model that demands and drives growth, SiLLC can truly claim to be creating .net value.

For more information, please visit .


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All transactions are carried out by SiLLC, a private portfolio management assembly. This document is not an offer of securities for sale or investment advisory services. This document contains general information only and is not intended to provide general or specific investment advice. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results and targets are not guaranteed. Certain statements and forecasted data are based on current expectations, current market and economic conditions, estimates, projections, opinions, and beliefs of SiLLC and/or its members. Due to various risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from those reflected or contemplated in such forward-looking statements or in any of the case studies or forecasts. All references to SiLLC’s advisory activities relate to The SiLLC Assembly International.

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